Why Tourism Australia chose and continues to use Lookatme™

We all remember Paul Hogan's ‘another shrimp on the barbie’ Tourism Australia campaign, which ran from 1984 to 1990. This massively successful campaign was aided by what we now consider viral media coverage. Tourism Australia delivered much of the content for this campaign via courier services. By 1999 the media landscape had changed, and so had the technology for providing campaigns. 

In response to increased demand from tourism stakeholders and the media, Tourism Australia selected Lookatme™ to provide a Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution to manage the increased demand for digital content.

While the adoption of Lookatme™ may not have received media coverage, it has dramatically impacted the way Tourism Australia takes its message to the world.


Why Lookatme™

Providing a Digital Asset Management solution for one of the world's most recognisable tourism brands is more than just managing a collection of images, videos, and brand assets. Lookatme™ provides a solution that fills the needs of international media, trade partners, stakeholders, internal staff, contractors, and third-party suppliers.

Each group needs specific their own access rules with strict usage guidelines. Version control and audit trails were also essential features of a solution that was required to fulfil the demands of users around the globe. 


The future of Digital Asset Management

As technology has changed, Lookatme™ has extended its capabilities of Lookatme™. High-Definition video can now be instantly available to approved users anywhere in the world. The collection size has increased to over 100,000 images and 20,000 video clips; AI technology now helps make discovery easier by automatically generating tags on file. Automated derivatives make it simple to retain the integrity of original files while providing appropriately formatted files for any project or channel.

Lookatme™ continues to work with Tourism Australia to ensure their Digital Asset Management solution exceeds the expectations of their users. While the needs and technology may change over time, the guiding principles of Lookatme™ will continue to ensure that Tourism Australia has a world-class Digital Asset Management solution befitting such an innovative, exciting, and internationally recognisable brand.
